While, as Christians, we consider our Assurance of Salvation to be much more important than traditional insurance, we also have a need to protect ourselves and our families from unforeseen health needs - from accidents to illness.
An Alternative to Obamacare: 'Medi-Share'
Insurance is a very important and personal choice. You should always explore all the options, to see which plan is right for you.
On this website, I have said that I only give information and review about products and services with which I am familiar.
That's the case here, also. I can only talk about a health-care plan that we have used, and know something about.
On this page is information about an exemption that is included in the new health reform bill, the Affordable Care Act.
Medical bill-sharing plans, such as the Medi-Share plan mentioned below, are an option to purchasing a plan within the healthcare exchanges.
Medishare Members Exemption -
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ACA for short) was signed into law by President Obama in 2010. Designed to provide greater access to healthcare and to reduce its costs, the law requires all Americans to have health insurance by January 1, 2014--whether purchased individually, through an employer, or through a government program like Medicaid or Medicare. Those who don't comply will pay a penalty
The new law contains a special provision for members of Healthcare Sharing Ministries, making Medi-Share members exempt from the mandate to purchase insurance by 2014 or face financial penalties. Law Language - (Sec 1501, page 148 addresses the exemption)
With seven plans to choose from, you'll find flexible, convenient choices to fit virtually every Christian family. Medi-Share members also pray for and send notes of encouragement to each other, supported by an organization that provides health education and promotes biblical living.
Healthcare Costs Expected To Rise - In a difficult economy and with private health insurance premiums expected to rise dramatically over the next several years, Christians everywhere are looking at their finances and wondering, "How am I going to be able to afford decent healthcare?"
Medi-Share is the answer. Because members live healthy biblical lifestyles, costs are affordable--family options average less than $300 a month. Since 1993, Medi-Share members have saved more than $750 Million in healthcare expenses through sharing and discounting. But best of all, Medi-Share offers a true community with a shared commitment."