This is far more than ironic; far more than even 'moronic' - it is outright evil trickery.
As a parent, and especially as a Christian, can you really justify using vaccines - the majority of which have aborted fetal tissue components.
These components are often listed in the vaccine ingredients under the name of 'Diploid Cells' as well as MRC-5 Cells.
The statement below demonstrates that Diploid and MRC5 Cells both refer to aborted fetal cells that are used in vaccine development:
"MRC-5 is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts developed from aborted fetal tissue." Journal of Biological Standardization
The use of these aborted baby cells is not isolated to just a few types of vaccines either. They are in almost every type of vaccine, and regardless of the manufacturer.
Even if vaccines were effective, this would be you telling God that your child not getting some obscure disease is far more important than literally millions of others in his precious creation.
But, vaccines are NOT effective, nor are they safe. Section 13 of all vaccine inserts state that they have NEVER been tested for either safety or efficacy:
"This vaccine has not been evaluated (tested) for mutagenic, carcinogenic or impairment of fertility."
NO vaccine has ever been tested or even studied to determine if it will cause you or your child to develop Cancer, Infertility, or other severe impairment.
YOU are the Guinea Pig! They will see what the vaccine does by seeing what it does to you and/or your child.
Of course, the likelihood of you or your child contracting one of the illnesses that vaccines supposedly prevent is very small.
However, the likelihood IS very high that you will have some type of severe difficulty from the Vaccination itself.
YOU decide - Choose Life, not Death!!
Deuteronomy 30:19
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live."
Do you see it? If you choose to use a 'vaccine' that is made from the death of another instead of choosing life, you and your seed are also 'cursed' and doomed to death and disease.
Choose instead that you - and your child - will live and be free of disease with the ability to have more children instead of injecting yourselves with the illness that you are seeking in vain to prevent.
Put your trust in God and not in man.
May God Bless you and grant you His Wisdom.