It was through Adam's sin, that the curse of death was added to everyone's list of Liabilities ... and there was nothing that we could do to balance it.
No great work ... no good deed ... no amount of money ... could balance that debt of death ... until the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made at Calvary ... which not only paid our debt in full but also completely restored our inheritance, as His heirs in His kingdom.
Philippians 3:7
“But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.”
Prayer: "Dear Lord, we pray your blessing on our lives today, and that we would live by your word and guidance each and every day. We thank you for the price that you have paid in full for our sins on the cross at Calvary and we come to you now with humble and grateful hearts for all that you have done for us. In the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen."
May God bless you greatly today and may you continue in His word always!