But the grace of Jesus Christ ... the grace that He took to the cross ... that redeemed us from death
... that never ends and never runs out ... is the true grace from God ... the undeserved mercy that was given to us, without cost to us
... as sons and daughters, and co-heirs. There is a strength in that perfect grace
and we need to partake of it every day ... every minute ... every second
or our lives, until we are united with Him again.
2 Timothy 2:1
You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus
Prayer: "Dear Lord, we thank you for your true Grace and unending Mercy that gives us the Strength to live our lives for You each and every day. We pray that you would bless us as we live out our lives today in your power and direction, and in your mighty word. In the precious and holy name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and by His redeeming grace. Amen."
May God bless you as you continue in His word!