Yesterday I had a ‘virtual’ checkup with our old Primary Care Physician. The appointment was very cordial, but I could tell that we were on quite different wave- lengths for the most part.
We almost never go to see a doctor since we're never actually sick. As Jesus said in Luke 5:31, "They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick."
This of course was referring to Spiritual Healing, but it is true of physical healing as well. In 2 Chronicles 16:12 King Asa sought healing from the 'physicians' and 'not from the Lord', and he subsequently died. While a doctor's help can be very valuable in the case of acute illness or accident, our first response should be to pray and trust in God.
When it comes to healthcare, it’s like your car – if it isn’t broken, there is no need to take it to the mechanic. One could argue that you may need ‘maintenance’ such as an oil-change, but one can easily learn to do that quite well - and very affordably - for themselves.
It is important to take primary responsibility for your own healthcare. Our family has done this by staying healthy the best we can through measures such as Chiropractic care - husband more recently and wife (& children) in the past for health maintenance on a regular basis.
We take a very proactive approach to our health from many facets, through good nutrition and exercise as well as ongoing reading and study in natural health. Moreover, we put our lives and our trust in God, and in the promises for health and healing in His word.
One of the main reasons we don’t usually go to an MD is that conventional ‘health care’ is mainly just 'death-care' and illness management. It is a system of fear. It is also a billable 'trigger' system, so be careful what you say - and what you divulge - yikes!
For instance, if you just happen to mention you feel a little down, you may be prescribed with harmful anti-depressant drugs that can potentially lead to suicide or, as in the case of my mother-in-law, to dementia. In her case, it seemed to happen almost overnight. One day she was fine, and then she was not.
It’s downright scary what they want to do to you – even if you are perfectly healthy! They could literally take a perfectly healthy person and lead them on a path to death and illness through their many potentially harmful interventions - even those touted as just being for 'early detection'.
These include everything from Pharmaceutical Drugs and other Toxic Medications as well as unnecessary Tests and Procedures. Heaven forbid if you get a false positive from one of these tests and get led down the path to unneeded Drugs, Chemo, Radiation or Surgery.
A Harvard study - and many others as well - have shown that it is far better for your health to NOT go to the doctor, especially if you are not already sick. In fact, I would not even have made this ‘virtual’ appointment with our old primary care doctor except for a Life Insurance requirement to check in with a ‘licensed’ medical doctor.
It was merely to have ‘been seen’ by someone. It was not a checkup, nor were we looking for any types of medical services, it was just a ‘check-in’ and that’s it. But, once you've presented yourself to them, you are somewhat at their mercy, which isn't a good thing.
But - by the way - YOU are the consumer! If you don’t want to do something, don’t let them bully you into it. I get it though, I felt a little that way myself yesterday even if only due to the OTHER person’s opinion.
I could tell it seemed almost unfathomable to him that I wouldn’t have been to the doctor in so long and he seemed to feel that I could have some type of ‘hidden’ illness lurking in my body that I wouldn’t even be aware of.
But, when you are ‘into’ natural health, you become very in tune with your own body and how it feels. You would know if something was wrong – and you would also know something is NOT wrong as well. You also realize that a healthy body can take care of most things that might otherwise become a problem.
This doctor suggested a Mammogram and/or Proctology exam, depending on your gender, as well as a Colonoscopy – for virtually no reason at all other than mainly these being strongly suggested (by them!) for a certain age or gender.
Also, due to the fact that a family member had had Breast Cancer in the past (5+ year survivor), a routine mammogram and / or cancer screening was highly recommended, at least according to the medical establishment. However, her past condition does not mean in any way that I am somehow more susceptible.
Consider this quote from Cancer Research.org -
"Cancers due to inherited faulty genes are much less common than cancers due to gene changes caused by ...lifestyle factors. Most cancers develop because of a combination of chance and our environment, not because we have inherited a specific cancer gene."
Cancer is NOT genetic – it is a lifestyle expression. My sister's lifestyle is very different from my own. For example, she drinks alcoholic beverages on a consistent (daily) basis, whereas I don't drink any alcoholic beverages at all. She also has a poor diet as well as being mostly sedentary.
This is not meant to be critical of her lifestyle so much as to state that it is unfair by the medical establishment to be penalized for the poor habits of others. She has had many health problems throughout her life, in fact, mostly due to these poor lifestyle choices.
These have resulted in not only chemo, radiation and surgery for breast cancer, but also a hysterectomy from painful cysts and fibroids as well as a mesh later on in order to hold in her organs since there is nothing much to hold things In place since having had a radical hysterectomy.
I have fortunately avoided developing many of these problems by, among other things, avoiding things such as regular mammograms. There is a good chance that you will most likely eventually develop cancer problems if you go in regularly for a mammogram and expose yourself to the high doses of radiation from this procedure.
This is true for Pap Smears as well. Each time you get one of these procedures, you get ‘gouged’ in your uterus to obtain a sample that they will analyze and then proceed to scare with you if something possibly doesn’t look just right. This can the lead to unnecessary curettage - a surgical scraping of the uterus with yet another sharp instrument known as a curette.
In this same manner, you may also get some type of problem with your Colon if you allow them to prod and poke with a 'rectal probe' or, worse, a colonoscope which can cause punctures to the colon as well as there being a very real risk of cross-fecal contamination from other patients if not cleaned properly between procedures.
I had a 'rectal exam' done one time in the past when I was quite young due to having had some blood in my stool from slight dysentery caused by a stomach flu. So now, of course, the doctor I just consulted with wants to obtain a ‘stool sample’ from me due to this - because of something that happened ONE time years ago (and during which everything was found to be perfectly fine).
The only problem at that time had been just having to go to the bathroom (& lots of wiping!) much more often than normal due to the runs. I was given a perfect bill of health and there were no underlying problems either then or now. This was almost 3 1/2 Decades ago, but somehow it means I should be worried and be having my stool checked now ...just in case.
So why do they do these things to a perfectly healthy person and expose them to risk? Especially when all other indicators checked out as normal as mine did at this recent checkup - and even above average – Blood Pressure, Height, Weight, Abdominal Circumference, Heart Rate ALL in a very healthy range (even according to their 'random' paradigm).
The whole medical ‘system’ is mostly ridiculous. It assumes that you are a horribly faulty being always on the verge of your 'parts' breaking down instead of being a creation of the Most High God who created you to be able to heal with the things He has provided in the natural world around us:
These include not only your God-given immune system, but also fresh air, herbs, sunshine, natural foods, the ability to exercise and, most of all, ultimately trusting in Him and His healing – NOT man and their 'science falsely so called'.
1 Timothy 6:20-21
"...Keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred."