COVID is not the main threat to your lungs & respiratory system - it is the wearing of masks!
There are a multitude of problems with the so-called COVID measures.
...And most if not all are FAR worse than any cold or flu virus!
COVID has just become the new word to call all Colds and Flu. While it is true that Corona Viruses cause most colds & flu, people have been duped into believing that COVID is a specific disease.
It is not. It is just a shortened word for COronaVIrusDisease. Per the CDC and the NIH, a specific 'COVID' virus has never yet even been isolated, which would mean that it is impossible to make a vaccine for it. (It would in fact be nearly impossible to pin one down as viruses mutate very quickly, and from person to person.)
Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled breath and efficacy of face masks questionable - per the warning on all boxes containing surgical face masks that it 'will not protect against coronavirus'!
MASKS however have created a self-fulfilling prophecy in the form of fungal and bacterial lung infections, such as Aspergillosis as well as facial dermatitis, which in this case are caused from wearing a Face Mask and re-breathing one's own expelled CO2 all day.
The wearing of face masks was also historically found to be the major cause of respiratory and lung infections during the 1918 Flu Pandemic along with the vaccines that were given to soldiers in WWI through which spread through 'viral shedding' to others as well as from being injected with it themselves via the vaccine.
One could submit that this is what is currently hospitalizing many people - a lung infection brought on by the wearing of face masks, not a cold or flu caused by a Corona Virus by itself. These are made far worse by the re-breathing of one's own expelled air from a warm moist bacteria-laden mask.
Is everything - all colds, flu, pneumonia, etc. now to always be called COVID? It would certainly seem so. There have actually been fewer deaths from colds, flu, and COVID combined in 2020 compared to the past couple of years.
COVID is actually nothing more than a 'mild' flu that has been over-hyped and overly propagandized in the Media - on purpose to not only sell vaccines, but also to destroy the world's economy and to gain control of people's lives.
There have actually been far fewer flu deaths in 2020 compared with recent past years as most of them are being attributed to COVID in order to increase the number of cases. With a survival rate of 99.98% for most people, this has really become more of a Case-demic.
The unnecessary fear this has caused is leading people to do things which are truly dangerous such as Social Distancing, Lockdowns, Mask Wearing, etc. that can be detrimental physically, socially, economically and emotionally.
Romans 13:12 - The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
Isaiah 52 - Awake, awake; put on thy strength.
Romans 13:11 - And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
Joel 3:9 - Wake up the mighty men!
*SEE: The Full Article on this site HERE.
**SEE: The video Unmasked for additional information.