This device may very possibly be used by the anti-Christ for his deception, and it is now at hand.
In Revelation 13:15 the image of the beast is able to 'speak'.
This is not the only time a 'virtual' speech has been delivered via hologram.
In 2008, Britain's Prince Charles delivered a speech to a green energy conference in Abu Dhabi - as a hologram.
The article below explains how this technology is accomplished:
On January 26, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan addressed the ruling Justice and Development Party at a meeting in a hologram.
With the help of Turkish special effects company Polyvision, Erdogan was beamed into the meeting after being shot against a green screen.
The avatar version of the PM told the meeting, "We are going to the elections in the shadow of attacks prepared by treasonous networks. I urge all my mayoral candidates to not waste any of their time."
Erdogan is currently embroiled in a massive corruption scandal which has already resulted in the resignation of several high ranking officials.
In November of 2012, Indian politician Nerendra Modi pioneered the use of political holograms during his election campaign.
by Jon David Kahn 27 Jan 2014