Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a Waste Gas that our body expels when we exhale. We are NOT meant to breathe that in again, but that is exactly what happens when you wear a mask over your nose ans mouth.
On top of that, by wearing a face mask, we're now also not breathing in enough Oxygen for the body to function properly.
Consider the following quote from the NIH (National Institute of Health). They know what they're doing to us!
"We breathe oxygen from the air into our lungs, and we breathe out carbon dioxide, which is formed in our body as a waste gas.
Breathing is essential to life itself. Oxygen must pass from our lungs into our blood for our tissues and organs to work properly."
The quote above is from an article on the site on the topic of Respiratory Failure. Wearing a mask over your face is causing the same issues. The article continues:
"Respiratory failure is a serious condition that develops when the lungs can’t get enough oxygen into the blood. Buisdup of carbon dioxide can also damage the tissues and organs and further impair oxygenation of blood and, as a result, slow oxygen delivery to the tissues."
Therefore, if the organs cannot get enough fresh oxygen, the toxins will build up in the tissues and won't be expelled properly. The quote below from Dr. Sandra Clair goes on to explain this process:
What is detoxification?
"Detoxification, or “detox” for short, is the body’s process of removing toxic substances and is an ongoing, VITAL process that your body does (all on its own) in order to survive. It happens 24/7, 365 days of the year.
Your main detoxification organs are the liver and kidneys. The bowels and urinary tract are extensions of these organs as wastes exit your body.
The skin (via sweat) and the lungs (via breathing /expelling CO2) are also considered detoxification organs.
All together, these organs are often referred to as detoxification pathways. In layman's terms: the pathways that toxins take to move through and exit your body." – UNLESS A MASK IS BLOCKING IT!
"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."