I saw the following article a while back (link below), "Taylor County Schools Modernize the Lunch Line", the day it came out in the local Mountain Statesman newspaper.
I check this paper everyday and was alarmed to see this report. However, I figured that it must be the way that school lunchrooms are going now.
Then, just the next day I saw this same article featured in the Cutting Edge news updates.
My question is whether this is unique to the Taylor County school system, and/or if they are one of the first to implement this?
The high school mentioned in the article is located in Grafton, West Virginia which is the county seat of Taylor County.
I know that Grafton is a very heavily - and openly - Masonic town: Freemasons, Eastern Star, Odd-Fellows, Rotary, Lions, etc.
Grafton also sits pretty much right in the middle of a number of federally run Biometrics companies and FBI facilities.
Below are the articles from CuttingEdge.org where this article also appears.
Minority Report:
Tampa Police Roll Out A TANK To Deal With A Few Dozen Protesters
Alleged Cyber Attack on U.S. Water Plant is Propaganda to Curb Internet Freedom
Follow Your Heart: Darpa’s Quest to Find You by Your Heartbeat
L.A. Airports Prepare for Biometric ID Security
Taylor County Schools modernize the lunch line
Techno-toddlers: A is for Apple
Tattoo Remorse Spawns New Business
This indoctrination of our school children is one part of preparing people to become accustomed to scanning the hand or the forehead to buy or sell:
Revelation 13:16-17 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."