Toxic Crusaders is an animated series based on The Toxic Avenger films.
Headbanger - A fusion of two opposing personalities into a conjoined body made up of Dr. Bender, and surfer-boy Fender.
It's a good representation for the occult concept of 'Fusion of the Opposites' which is often promoted in the New Age movement.
This concept of 'fusion of the opposites is reflected in the New Age mantra of 'as above so below'.
These words circulate throughout occult and magical circles, and are recorded in the ancient Hermetic texts.
The actual text of that maxim, as translated by Dennis W. Hauck from The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, is:
"That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing"
2 Corinthians 6:17 " Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you."
This would most certainly include any association whatsoever with the occult or the New Age.
However, we sadly see this same ancient occult saying being used in the highly irreverant 'Message 'Bible', a favorite version used by Rick Warren:
Matthew 7-13 “The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They’re full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don’t fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like this:
Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what’s best--
as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You’re in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You’re ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
14-15 “In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do.
This passage refers to only God's will being done, not ours in conjunction with him; nor is it simply a reflection of what's above corresponding to what is below.
There is no correspondence or comparison between our will and God's will any more than there is comparison to what happens here on earth with that of heaven.
The Holy Bible tells us that our heart and our will is 'desperately wicked'. We do not want our will being done on earth!
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Stick with the true word of the King James Bible, in which the LORD reminds us to 'walk in the old paths' where we find 'rest for our souls'.
Jeremiah 6:16 Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.